Overcoming a common sales objection

I work with a lot of sales teams and this is one of the most common objections people struggle to overcome:

We’re already working with someone.

Isn’t every good client?

That’s why you hire salespeople. To win business away from your competitors.

Now, I know you prefer blue oceans, where you gain clients with a new concept. But more often business is a battle. And your win takes from someone else.

I have some clients for whom that is true, and while it’s hard, it’s not impossible. But you do have to follow a system. And the book I recommend the most often is Eat their Lunch: Winning Customers Away from Your Competition by Anthony Iannarino.

Anthony’s book gives you a process to follow that isn’t bloody, but helps you find the prospects who are the best fit for you and converts them to clients.

If you’re in sales, how do you win new clients away from your competition? Tell me in the comments below.

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