Overcoming a common sales objection

I work with a lot of sales teams and this is one of the most common objections people struggle to overcome: We’re already working with someone. Isn’t every good client? That’s why you hire salespeople. To win business away from your competitors. Now, I know you prefer blue oceans, where you gain clients with a…

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Are you selling services, experiences or transformations?

You are what you charge for. That’s a fundamental tenant of The Experience Economy. If you are selling things like investment advice, IT solutions, dining, construction, then you are a service provider. But as we know from the Progression of Economic Value (POEV), clients are willing to pay more for experiences than they are for…

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The Role of Technology in the Customer Experience

Your customer’s experience is almost entirely determined by their interaction with your people. Until you get that right, your space doesn’t matter, your technology doesn’t matter, nothing else really matters. Those are the thoughts I had while reading the Customer of the Future by Blake Morgan. It was written a few years ago, but still…

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Can AI replace your business coach?

Can AI replace me? Can you get leadership coaching from AI? According to one of the top executive coaches in the world, the answer is… …yes. And that’s a good thing. Why? Because it forces coaches to be what they should be, with or without AI. I’ll get to all that in a minute. But…

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